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Showing posts with label thank God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thank God. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

Birthday Prayer On My Special Day

     Happy Birthday to Myself T-shirt, Click Here And Buy Now.

Dear Heavenly Father ------ the Lord of my life,

Thank you for giving me life on this special day many years 


Thank you for loving me while I was still a baby.

Thank you for my unique parents whom have provided all the 

best for me even when I wasn't from a rich family.

Thank you for your love so that I could finished my education 

in a place where not everyone could have such an opportunity 

to go.

Thank you for always sending your angels to protect me from 

dangerous and help me in difficult situation.

Thank you for providing a house that I can sleep and rest.

Thank you for giving me a new life when I was young and filled 

me with your Holy Spirit while 

I knew nothing about the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for using me and touching life of others with your 

power and your love.

Thank you for giving me a desire to pray at all times and 

witness miracles when praying for others.

Lord, Jesus, in this special day of my life. I pray that you can 

use me in the rest of my life to a greater extend and to lead 

more people to accept you as their own Lord and Savior while 

I still have breathe on this earth.

Oh heavenly Father, let my birthday be a day which always to 

remind me that I was created for you and let your will be done 

in my life until I see you again.

This is a simple prayer I have written on my birthday and to 

God be the glory. Amen.

Thank God for 2019 and getting ready to enter into 2020

Although I am going to say goodbye to 2019 soon and I want to write an article of my personal thanksgiving to all God's blessings to me for the whole year.before I will enter into 2020 with a new beginning. I will start by thank God for what he did to me in my life with 10 things in my life which has happened just one year ago.

1. I thank God for his preparation of an opportunity for me to attend a special convocation in USA and that was my first time to step inside America even I used to live in Canada for 11 years before. I haven't travel outside my own city (Hong Kong ) for the last 10 years already and that was the first trip after my long time stay in my city.

2. I thank God that I was able to go to Singapore to attend a healing seminar by Joan Hunter where I could update my healing prayer and enjoy an opportunity to serve the Lord duirng the seminar by praying for the sick.

3. I thank God that I could learn something about construction risk and how to avoid all the dangerous situation from a one day seminar in my own city.

4. I thank God that my health remains stable through the whole year and not much problem regarding to my health issue.

5. I thank God that I could attend a new church and particpate in its cell group in order to build up new relationship with other Christians whose from all walks of life and whose also from many other countries which including Hong Kong as well.

6. I thank God that I was able to minster to the poor and keep up my monthly visit to the homeless people on the street throughout the year. The most excited experience has been my last visit to a perosn who I have visited a few time before. For just a few days before I published this article, I was happy to see this homeless person has shown his willingness to accept The Lord Jesus as his own personal savior and the Lord of his life. To God be the glory.

7. I thank God that even I was experiencing many difficulties but God's grace has been sufficient for me throughout the year.

8. I thank God that I was still be able to show my little support to a ministry online in a regular basis througout the year.

9. I thank God that for using me to pray for the mother of one of my best friends whose in Canada by using Whatsapp almost everyday for about two months before her mom went to heaven with the Lord because of her terminal illness. I wasn't happy when I first started to pray fro her since I wasn't comfortable to pray for a sick elderly almost everyday in the beginning. However, After I look back for the whole situation, I thank God to allow me in participating in support of this family even I didn't see any healing this time. I think at least I can show this family that God really care about them and still care for the mom even when she was really sick at that moment. I thank God for teaching me how to love the elderly which was something I really need to learn for so many years.

10. I thank God for this excited year even I still need to face some of my problems  throughout the year. However, God's grace is sufficient to me an I am still alive and heading to another year of the Lord in 2020.

I praise God for all His wonder and blessings in 2018 and in 2019 and I am looking forward to experience God in a new way in 2020. Happy New year to My God and Happy New Year to all the readers of this article. God bless you all. 😃

This is my story and how about yours ?

I also want to share 2 of my new T-shirt design with you in the following links, click and see and have fun. If you can get one for yourself , it will be a great gift for you and another happy experience for both you and me now as well.

I can fly with angel wings

Exercise = Healthy

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