1. Preparation
(1). Have the person who needs to be
pray for to stand up.
(2). Ask the person to hold both hands
over the pelvic bone which are on
both side of the waist area.
(women tends to be lower than men's
(3). Be sure there is a chair placed right
behind the person in case fall down
will happen as the Holy Spirit or
angels will minister to the person in
the process.
2. Time to pray for the pelvic area
(1) Invite the Holy Spirit to come by
simple saying "Come , Holy Spirit."
(2) Lay your hand on both hand of the
person while he or she is holding the
his or her pelvic bone area already. It
would be nice to have two people
(one should be female if the person
who needs prayer is a female) to
pray for the person and lay one hand
on each side over that person's
hand.It would be a better
arrangement especially that person
is a female.
(2) In Jesus name to command the pelvic
bone to rotate until it goes back to its
proper position.
(3) Wait for about one minute to see if it
will rotate and sometimes, it will start
to rotate in just a few second or even
right away.The person can just feel it
and and see it if there is a mirror
right in front of the person.
(4) If there is something to be rotate
about, it will keep on rotate in clock-
wise, anti-clock-wise, back and forth
or so for about 5 -20 minutes depends
on the physical condition of the
person. If there is no movement at
all, that means the person has nothing
to be rotate about.
(5) During the process, ask the person to
have the eyes open and keep saying
thank you Jesus, praise Jesus or
hallelujah because the bone will
usually move faster when one is
willing to do so.
(6) When the bone stop to rotate, then it
will stop.
3. Have the person to sit down
(1) Have the person to sit comfortably on
a chair. (a chair with back and never
use a round chair without any back
on it.)
(2) Lift up the both of the person's leg to
an angle (no need to 90 degree all the
time, especially the person can lift up
the legs to 30 degree and feel pain
already) where you can measure the
length of both legs to see whether
one foot is shorter than the other. (It
will always happen when anybody
has lower back pain, one leg will be
shorter than the other one. )
(3) You can measure it by placing both of
your hand on that person's ankle
area. One thumb on one side of each
ankle and the other four fingers
holding the other side of the ankle.
Then you will see which of your hand
is closer to your body , then that leg is
the longer one.
(4) In Jesus name to command the
shorter leg to grow out until it is
being even with the other leg. (You
will immediately see the leg grow out
and the person can see it and feel it
(5) Have the person to say "thank you,
Jesus" , ask the person to stand up
and do something which that person
couldn't do before prayer and see
whether he or she is completely heal
or has big improvement already.
(Such as bending his or her body back
and forth or move the leg up and
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If the person is not heal at once, you
can pray a second or even the third
time. Sometimes the healing is
progressive and not all the time
instantly. However, if you are willing
to pray for the person and the person
is open to receive prayer, healing will
Note : The leg maybe going back and
forth during the prayer time but it
is okay and it will goes back to
proper position after the
adjustment. If not, all you have
to do is to command it to goes
even with the other leg and it will
be done in Jesus name.
If the person is not heal at once, you
can pray a second or even the third
time. Sometimes the healing is
progressive and not all the time
instantly. However, if you are willing
to pray for the person and the person
is open to receive prayer, healing will
Note : The leg maybe going back and
forth during the prayer time but it
is okay and it will goes back to
proper position after the
adjustment. If not, all you have
to do is to command it to goes
even with the other leg and it will
be done in Jesus name.
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