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Showing posts with label glory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glory. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

Birthday Prayer On My Special Day

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Dear Heavenly Father ------ the Lord of my life,

Thank you for giving me life on this special day many years 


Thank you for loving me while I was still a baby.

Thank you for my unique parents whom have provided all the 

best for me even when I wasn't from a rich family.

Thank you for your love so that I could finished my education 

in a place where not everyone could have such an opportunity 

to go.

Thank you for always sending your angels to protect me from 

dangerous and help me in difficult situation.

Thank you for providing a house that I can sleep and rest.

Thank you for giving me a new life when I was young and filled 

me with your Holy Spirit while 

I knew nothing about the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for using me and touching life of others with your 

power and your love.

Thank you for giving me a desire to pray at all times and 

witness miracles when praying for others.

Lord, Jesus, in this special day of my life. I pray that you can 

use me in the rest of my life to a greater extend and to lead 

more people to accept you as their own Lord and Savior while 

I still have breathe on this earth.

Oh heavenly Father, let my birthday be a day which always to 

remind me that I was created for you and let your will be done 

in my life until I see you again.

This is a simple prayer I have written on my birthday and to 

God be the glory. Amen.

How to pray for people with upper back pain ?


Healing can be easy if you know how ? I thought that healing through prayer was really hard in my past Christian year. I thought that only the most anointed Christian or Christian with the gift of healing could do it. After I have really study on the subject and I found that healing isn't that hard and it can be really simple and fun as well. recently, I have encounter some kinds of great teaching from Joan Hunter, Randy Clark, Bill Johnson and David Herzog as well. Among all these great servants of God, I found that Joan Hunter has the highest success rate and it is a teaching that every Spirit-filled Christian can do it. I would say that Joan's model is purely a prayer model that everyone can see instant result in most of the times. However, the other great servants of God are still worthy for us to learn from them as they all have their special expertise in healing and creative miracles as well. I am going to share a simple prayer method on how to pray for people with upper back pain in the following and I hope it will bless those who wants to learn to pray with instant result. You will find that the power of the Holy Spirit is amazing.

1. Prepare to pray
Ask the the person who wants to receive prayer to stand straight and relax with his or eyes open. At the same time, tell the person not to pray when you are praying for him or her. It is actually hard to receive and while praying at the same time. Some people think that have their eyes close will be better and concentrated in prayer but it will also make that person can't see the miracle happen right before his or her own eyes as well. That's why, just tell the person to keep his or eyes open and see what God will do for him or her.
2. Time to pray
Ask the person to extend both of his or her arms out to measure which arms are shorter than the other one. (In most cases but nit all,one arm will be shorter than the other one in the case of  upper back pain ). Be sure to have a small space between two arms and usually 1mm to 2 mm will do . You just want to make sure that when you command the shorter arm to grow out without getting stuck by the other arms , that's all.

3. Lay hand to pray
Lay one of your hand on the base of the scull of the person and speak in a normal tone that "I command the base of the skull to line up with every vertebrates at this back." Then speak " I curse the pain to be gone while laying hand on the same position (or command the pain to be gone if you don't want to use the term curse). After that, you command the muscles on the neck and all the way to the upper back and the upper chest to be relax (if you feel the person is so tense. If not tense, you can just skip this step.). Last and the most fun part, you command the shorter arm to grow and go back to the proper position and be even with the other arm. That's it.

You will then see the arm just grow out in a few second (wait for a while and ask the person to open his or her eyes and watch what will happen ) until it gets even with the other arm. However, if the arm just growing back and forth , never mind about it. Since The Holy Spirit or maybe the angel is doing the adjustment for the arms, it may take a few seconds for the arms to get even. Just relax and the arms will eventually grow and back to its proper position and be even with the other arm. Just don't worry and watch how fun it is. Tell the person to thank Jesus right away and then start to check his or her own back to see the back is completely heal. If there are still some pain leave, just lay hand on the back and command the pain to be gone completely. Usually when the arms are getting even, there should be no more pain leave on that person's upper back. Be sure you will give all the glory to God and praise God for His healing power. Try it, it is fun and it will happen all the times when you pray according to all the steps.You can pray it to yourself as well whenever you experience upper back pain.God bless you

The insights from the passed away of Queen Elizabeth II about your time on earth


A sudden news and its impact on my mind

As I checked my Yahoo news today, many news articles were reporting about the death of Queen Elizabeth. A well-respected person not just for all the people of the United Kingdom, but also for many people of the commonwealth and all the people living on earth as well. Although I don't know her personally, but I know she was a great woman in her lifetime for all the things she has done to the United Kingdom. She has been a queen for 70 years, longer than any queen from her past. She has experienced all the difficulties and trials of the royal family and remains a very calm image in the public at all times. Although she has all the riches and glory during her realm as a queen, she has her beginning and an end as well. What does her death tells us? A passage from the Bible immediately pops up in my mind, and it is Psalm 90:10, which says, "The years of our life are seventy,
    or even by reason of strength eighty;
yet their span [c] is but toil and trouble;
    they are soon gone, and we fly away."
When the queen finished her last breath on earth, she couldn't bring anything with her. Even I believe they will surely remember her name in human history. Her pass away also reminded me of one thing: who is the real king in this universe? Jesus is the king of glory and the ultimate authority of our life.



The King of suffering

Unlike the Queen Elizabeth II, who will always travel in a royal and prestige class of manner, Our Lord Jesus didn't live a life like that on earth. He was only born in a manger and also as a child of a carpenter, Joseph. He needed to escape from the death threat of Herod and went to Egypt with his parents. Jesus only rode on a donkey when he entered Jerusalem. He once told a teacher of the law who shown his interest in following Jesus that he doesn't even have a place to lay his head (Matthew 8:20). When Jesus died, he didn't die in a palace as what a king or a queen should be. They crucified him on the cross and were full of shame according to human standard. No glory, no respect, nothing to be honored about, but full of pain and sadness if we would just look at how he died on the cross. He was the king of suffering, and even one criminal who needed to crucify with Jesus also laugh at him in his dying process. (Luke 23:39). As the only Son of God, why did he have to go through all this, and why did he have to die like this? It is something that Christian can always answer but will always forget to meditate in a deeper way since the church has always talked about the answer already.


The king of glory

What is the answer, then? The answer being that Jesus has gone through all this and died in a painful way, just because he wanted to save us from eternal death. He didn't have to go through all this, but it was just out of God's love and Jesus' own submission and obedient to the Father. It was 100% out of his love for our human souls and didn't want to see any human to go to hell without hope, so he lived a life like that and die like that as well. It is out of his own choice. Unlike the queen who couldn't choose where she was born, Jesus could choose at the very beginning. He could choose not to become a human, but he chose as the Word became flesh (John 1:14), anyway. He lived a life to fulfill all the prophecy have said about him in the Old Testament. And the best part being that He just didn't die for us, he roused on the third day for us as well. He has already conquered death for us and he is living in the glory with the Father once again and someday he will come back in a glorious way to take his people with him forever. Yes. That's our Jesus, our king of glory. As a hymn saying that, "Oh, what a wonderful day it will be. Jesus is coming again!" Are you longing for that day? I surely do!



How should we then live?

For most of the British, the queen has already fulfilled her duty and responsibility as a queen supposed to. So does our king of glory, Jesus, who has already done what he could to finish the salvation plan as the Father had expected. What about you and I as " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession," as the first part of Peter 2:9 stated? I pray I can surely "proclaim the excellencies of him who called me out of darkness into his marvelous light." As the last part of this Bible verse stated. I pray I can uplift the name of Jesus while I am still on earth and bring more people out of the darkness and enter the glorious kingdom like I did. How about you? Will you join this glorious team and serve the king of glory for the rest of your life? I pray you do. To God be the glory. Amen.

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Seven ways to listen to God's voice

How to pray for your church leaders ?

                                                           Your pastoral team needs your praye r It is a blessing to call by God to lead...