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Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

How to heal the the upper back pain by prayer?


It is easy to heal the upper back pain by prayer if 

you are Spirit-filled Christian. However, if you are 

still not a Spirit-filled Christian, you should 

consider to be filled by the Holy Spirit before you can 

experience the power of the holy Spirit in a full sense. 

being an Evangelical Christian for more than 15 years, I was 

shocked by how the Holy Spirit could do in my life. First of 

all, He has transformed my worship and prayer life even 

since then. When I was first being filled by the Holy Spirit, I 

just love to pray and worship like never before. That's why I 

have learned all kinds of prayer after that. The following 

prayer is one of the prayer I have learned over youtube and I 

have experienced how it really works for many people after I 

started to pray for people. It is simple and very practical. it is 

a prayer on how to heal the upper back pain. You can pray 

for others and also apply it to yourself as well. the 

procedures and prayer are as following:

1. Get the person who has upper back pain to stand 


2. Lay your hand on the base of the skull (just behind the 

    neck will be alright) of the person.

3.Then pray : In Jesus name,I command the base of the 

                     skull to line up with every vertebrate on 

                     his/her back.

4. I curse the pain to be gone in Jesus name.

5. I command the muscle from the neck all along his/her 

    upper back to his/her upper chest to be relax in Jesus 


6. The last step which is the most important and amazing 

    step : Have the person to extend both arms to straight 

    forward but leave about an inch from between to  

    measure her arm to see which one is shorter. Then 

    command the shorter arm to grow in Jesus name and be 

    even with the other arm in length.

7. Ask the person to say "thank you Jesus" before he/she 

   will check her back to see the pain is really gone. That's it!

Note : Condition 1. If the person doesn't have any arm 

                             which is shorter than the other one, then

                             you don't need to do the last step. That 

                             means you don't need to command

                             any arm to grow since there is nothing to 

                             be grow about. Just pray the first

                             three steps and have the person to thank 

                             Jesus before the checking of the

                             back done.

           Condition 2. Sometimes the arm will grow back and 

                               forth for adjustment for a short while. 

                              Just let God's angels to minister to that 

                              person until it eventually get even with 

                              the other arm.  (usually it will take one 

                              minute or two and you just comfort the 

                              person by saying that's God's work on 

                               you, just relax and let it finish. no need 

                               to be afraid or worry.
           Condition 3. If the arm grow out a bit then stop, all 

                              have to do is to command like this

                              saying : "you  devil, get out of her life 

                              right now in Jesus name." You need to

                              do so just because the situation is not 

                               just a normal self-created pain such

                               as working to hard or inappropriate 

                               posture. Since the pain is created by

                               the devil , then you have to command it 

                               to be gone in Jesus name. You will

                               probably see the arm comes up at once 

                               after that.

         Condition 4. If the pain is not gone all at once, you 

                             can pray it one or two more times

                             since some people don't get instant 

                             healing just by praying once. It is

                             perfectly alright to pray for a person a 

                             few more times before a healing

                             occurs. Even Jesus pray for a  blind 

                             person twice in one of His healing


 Enjoy the following example and see it for 

 yourself. This person may pray it differently, but 

it still works. There is always more than one to 

pray for healing in God's kingdom. As the Holy 

Spirit moves, miracles will happen. We should never limit 

God's way in healing . Praise God for His mercy and 

healing grace at all times.

Book Review on There is more by Randy Clark

Youtube on There is more by Dr.Randy Clark, just click this link and watch it. 
Dr.Randy Clark was a Baptist minister who wanted to be used by God in a mighty way. However, when it comes to  the issue of healing, he wanted to experience more in the power of the Holy Spirit. By the grace of God, he encounter the power of the Holy Spirit in a new way and his healing ministry began. After he spent more times in his study and experience God's power in the new way, he understand that there is always more in the Spirit realm when God manifest His power and the glory of God will always surprise us if we press in to know more about God's way of doing things. "There is more" is the title of this book and Randy wants to use this book to help his readers to reclaiming the power of the impartation.


 Before Randy Clark leads his readers to go any further, he first leads his readers to take a good look on the church history showing that " Miracles have not stopped, but still occur today!" (p.58). By looking at all the reports from the early church fathers, the readers can quickly understand that miracles, healing or all kinds of the power of the Holy Spirit have never stopped as what some of the churches are teaching. In fact, miralce and healing are getting stronger and more powerful than what was before in this end time of this world.The most important point that Randy was trying to make is that : God's power have never stopped and is carrying out from one generation to the next generation through impartation that you and I today can receive and experience as well.
Randy Clark also showed us God's power is manifesting everywhere in this world from as far as Toronto of Canada through John Arnott to Mozambique by Heidi and Rolland Baker as well.
On the other hand , the revival and miracle happened and is still happening in Bethel Church of Redding has also give more encouragement to the readers to chase on God with a fire-like attitude.

This is not just an ordinary book about healing and miralce. It is truly a gift from heaven that will motive and give encouragement to its readers that with a thirsty and a hungry attitude to get to know about God's impartation, more people can be used by God in a mighty way today. Perhaps you will be the next Johnathan Edward or Charles Finney to this century if you are willing to be used by God today.I highly recommended this book to you and your Christian friends after this book has already impact my life.

More Books by Randy Clark :


How to pray for people with upper back pain ?


Healing can be easy if you know how ? I thought that healing through prayer was really hard in my past Christian year. I thought that only the most anointed Christian or Christian with the gift of healing could do it. After I have really study on the subject and I found that healing isn't that hard and it can be really simple and fun as well. recently, I have encounter some kinds of great teaching from Joan Hunter, Randy Clark, Bill Johnson and David Herzog as well. Among all these great servants of God, I found that Joan Hunter has the highest success rate and it is a teaching that every Spirit-filled Christian can do it. I would say that Joan's model is purely a prayer model that everyone can see instant result in most of the times. However, the other great servants of God are still worthy for us to learn from them as they all have their special expertise in healing and creative miracles as well. I am going to share a simple prayer method on how to pray for people with upper back pain in the following and I hope it will bless those who wants to learn to pray with instant result. You will find that the power of the Holy Spirit is amazing.

1. Prepare to pray
Ask the the person who wants to receive prayer to stand straight and relax with his or eyes open. At the same time, tell the person not to pray when you are praying for him or her. It is actually hard to receive and while praying at the same time. Some people think that have their eyes close will be better and concentrated in prayer but it will also make that person can't see the miracle happen right before his or her own eyes as well. That's why, just tell the person to keep his or eyes open and see what God will do for him or her.
2. Time to pray
Ask the person to extend both of his or her arms out to measure which arms are shorter than the other one. (In most cases but nit all,one arm will be shorter than the other one in the case of  upper back pain ). Be sure to have a small space between two arms and usually 1mm to 2 mm will do . You just want to make sure that when you command the shorter arm to grow out without getting stuck by the other arms , that's all.

3. Lay hand to pray
Lay one of your hand on the base of the scull of the person and speak in a normal tone that "I command the base of the skull to line up with every vertebrates at this back." Then speak " I curse the pain to be gone while laying hand on the same position (or command the pain to be gone if you don't want to use the term curse). After that, you command the muscles on the neck and all the way to the upper back and the upper chest to be relax (if you feel the person is so tense. If not tense, you can just skip this step.). Last and the most fun part, you command the shorter arm to grow and go back to the proper position and be even with the other arm. That's it.

You will then see the arm just grow out in a few second (wait for a while and ask the person to open his or her eyes and watch what will happen ) until it gets even with the other arm. However, if the arm just growing back and forth , never mind about it. Since The Holy Spirit or maybe the angel is doing the adjustment for the arms, it may take a few seconds for the arms to get even. Just relax and the arms will eventually grow and back to its proper position and be even with the other arm. Just don't worry and watch how fun it is. Tell the person to thank Jesus right away and then start to check his or her own back to see the back is completely heal. If there are still some pain leave, just lay hand on the back and command the pain to be gone completely. Usually when the arms are getting even, there should be no more pain leave on that person's upper back. Be sure you will give all the glory to God and praise God for His healing power. Try it, it is fun and it will happen all the times when you pray according to all the steps.You can pray it to yourself as well whenever you experience upper back pain.God bless you

What does the Bible has to say about healing ?




There are many Bible verses telling us that God heals . There are also many teaching from the Scripture telling us many things relating to healing and how to deal with diseases as well. The following 5 facts will help us to have a better understanding on the issue of healing.

1. Sickness and diseases are the result of sin

There are clear teaching in the bible saying that whenever God's people will obey God's command, they will be blessed (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). However, when God's people are walking away from God's words and committed in a sinful life and disobedience, it will cause many curses of God to come and diseases are one of the result from all  these curses. For in Deuteronomy (28:58-61), it said :

58 If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name--the LORD your God-- 59 the LORD will send fearful plagues on you and your descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering illnesses. 60 He will bring upon you all the diseases of Egypt that you dreaded, and they will cling to you. 61 The LORD will also bring on you every kind of sickness and disaster not recorded in this Book of the Law, until you are destroyed.

2. God will heal His people 

God will never enjoy punishing His people and seeing them attack by diseases. However, since the result of sin is terrible and Satan will gain the power to attack on any people who doesn't obey God. God in His mercy still promised that He will be the healer of His people.

Exodus 15:26, "I am the LORD that health thee." He is truly a merciful God who is willing to heal our diseases and That's why he said it clear to His people that He will heal their sickness and diseases.

3. Jesus has already paid for our transgressions

We really have to thank God for Jesus, the son of God has came to this world to died for all our sin on the cross and because the 39 lashings on His back, we are healed.That's the payment for our healing. As what Isaiah 53:5 says that :

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed"

4.  All Christians have the authority to heal in the name of Jesus

Before Jesus leaved this world to heaven , He commanded His disciples to perform signs and wonders for the purpose of witnessing to the gospel. One of the authority he has already given to all the followers of Christ in Mark 16 :18 being that :

" they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

When we start to lay hands on the sick and command the sickness to be gone by faith, healing miracles will happen.

5. Healing is for today

There are no words in the Bible saying that God will only heal His people in the past but not today.In fact, the Bible clearly saying that  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrew 13:8) That's why , all the followers of Christ can boldly pray for others healing without any doubt and fear.

Conclusion :

In order to remove all the obstacles that may become a hindering or blockage of healing, lead the person to confess one's own sin as what the Bible says that " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) (especially related to that particular disease and some need to deal with generational curses as well) and also dealing with unforgiveness"and forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors."(Matthew 6 :12) are the usual two main areas that need to be solved before we can see healing take places. However, there are still many unknown reasons that we won't be able answer them all when dealing with non-healing issue after prayer, we can only being faithful to God's word and keep on praying for the sick and obey on God's command in this and start to pray for people and see healing miracles happen in the name of Jesus, now.

* Bonus: Do you know you can experience God's word in a new way. Find out this from my book now: Click Here


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