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Showing posts with label healing prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing prayer. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

Book Review on Supernatural Provision by Joan Hunter

Book Review on Supernatural Provision
(Living in financial Freedom) by Joan Hunter
" We received more miracle reports when Joan Hunter was a guest on Marylin Hickey's program during an interview."

                   Click the link from below to view the interview

       This is surely a book that is worthy to be read by any Christian who is willing to experience God 's supernatural provision in a powerful way on this planet in this century. I was first attracted by the interview which Sid Roth arranged with Joan Hunter on the most popular TV program in Day Star TV. When I started to read this book, I started to understand how God wants to blessing His children with prosperity at all times throughout the Bible. It was Satan who always wants to steal our blessing from God and it was never the heart of the Father who desires His children to live in poverty. In fact, we are always misunderstand the love of our heavenly Father who simply wants to bless His children at all times.Of course sin has also been mentioned in this book on how this problem can be an obstacle for our financial blessing from the heaven above.However, once we have deal with our sin and ask God for His forgiveness and repent on our sin of rebellion, He will just forgive our sin and blessing from heaven will just come like rain to our life like never before.

One of the most special teaching in this book is scriptural tithing. Joan Hunter surely understand what means by financial struggle in her early childhood and in her first marriage as well. However, financial hardship didn't stop her heart towards God. Joan Hunter has successfully shown us in this book that as we sow our seed according to specific Bible verses and as our tithing and offering are lining up with that particular scripture, we will always be blessed. I have to admit that each page will attract me to keep on reading forward and  want to know more as well. However, I think the miracles and all the testimonies involve in this books are the most attractive elements for any Christian who wants to experience God in a new way.

    Joan Hunter is truly a servant of God whom God is using powerfully not just in healing ministries but also in financial breakthrough as well. Joan 's ministries are experiencing financial miracle all the times and what she taught in this book is never a theory but a reality in her life and others as well. You will be amaze in how God can turn around your concept of tithing, offering, donation, faith and trust as well through this book. That's why I highly recommend this book any Christian who wants to experience  a financial breakthrough and miracle in his or her own life. As a matter of fact, I have just found out that someone has just purchased 10 of this book from my account without I really promoting it. I don't know why did that person needs to order 10 of this books for, but I do know one thing : only good book will attract such a fire for people to order that many of the same book. At least I am among one of the reader who can testified that this is really a treasure fro any Christian who wants to experience financial blessing from heaven.


Don't for get to read any testimony at the end of this book for you will be encouraged and amaze on how God can perform miracle in our life. I can guarantee to you that once you have seen all these testimonies, you are going to shock by the love and powerful of God. That means your life will never be the same.May God bless you with this book.


Other books by Joan Hunter:

How to pray for people with upper back pain ?


Healing can be easy if you know how ? I thought that healing through prayer was really hard in my past Christian year. I thought that only the most anointed Christian or Christian with the gift of healing could do it. After I have really study on the subject and I found that healing isn't that hard and it can be really simple and fun as well. recently, I have encounter some kinds of great teaching from Joan Hunter, Randy Clark, Bill Johnson and David Herzog as well. Among all these great servants of God, I found that Joan Hunter has the highest success rate and it is a teaching that every Spirit-filled Christian can do it. I would say that Joan's model is purely a prayer model that everyone can see instant result in most of the times. However, the other great servants of God are still worthy for us to learn from them as they all have their special expertise in healing and creative miracles as well. I am going to share a simple prayer method on how to pray for people with upper back pain in the following and I hope it will bless those who wants to learn to pray with instant result. You will find that the power of the Holy Spirit is amazing.

1. Prepare to pray
Ask the the person who wants to receive prayer to stand straight and relax with his or eyes open. At the same time, tell the person not to pray when you are praying for him or her. It is actually hard to receive and while praying at the same time. Some people think that have their eyes close will be better and concentrated in prayer but it will also make that person can't see the miracle happen right before his or her own eyes as well. That's why, just tell the person to keep his or eyes open and see what God will do for him or her.
2. Time to pray
Ask the person to extend both of his or her arms out to measure which arms are shorter than the other one. (In most cases but nit all,one arm will be shorter than the other one in the case of  upper back pain ). Be sure to have a small space between two arms and usually 1mm to 2 mm will do . You just want to make sure that when you command the shorter arm to grow out without getting stuck by the other arms , that's all.

3. Lay hand to pray
Lay one of your hand on the base of the scull of the person and speak in a normal tone that "I command the base of the skull to line up with every vertebrates at this back." Then speak " I curse the pain to be gone while laying hand on the same position (or command the pain to be gone if you don't want to use the term curse). After that, you command the muscles on the neck and all the way to the upper back and the upper chest to be relax (if you feel the person is so tense. If not tense, you can just skip this step.). Last and the most fun part, you command the shorter arm to grow and go back to the proper position and be even with the other arm. That's it.

You will then see the arm just grow out in a few second (wait for a while and ask the person to open his or her eyes and watch what will happen ) until it gets even with the other arm. However, if the arm just growing back and forth , never mind about it. Since The Holy Spirit or maybe the angel is doing the adjustment for the arms, it may take a few seconds for the arms to get even. Just relax and the arms will eventually grow and back to its proper position and be even with the other arm. Just don't worry and watch how fun it is. Tell the person to thank Jesus right away and then start to check his or her own back to see the back is completely heal. If there are still some pain leave, just lay hand on the back and command the pain to be gone completely. Usually when the arms are getting even, there should be no more pain leave on that person's upper back. Be sure you will give all the glory to God and praise God for His healing power. Try it, it is fun and it will happen all the times when you pray according to all the steps.You can pray it to yourself as well whenever you experience upper back pain.God bless you

How to pray for healing of the lower back pain ?


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        Although there are many reasons to cause the lower back pain in everyone's body, we can always help others to get  heal by prayer with the power of the Holy Spirit. The following procedure can be used for any Spirit-filled Christian. If you are not Spirit-filled yet, it will be quite difficult to see the result as you hope for.

1. Preparation

(1). Have the person who needs to be
       pray for to stand up.

(2). Ask the person to hold both hands 
      over the pelvic bone which are on
      both side of the waist area.
      (women tends to be lower than men's

(3). Be sure there is a chair placed right
       behind the person in case fall down
       will happen as the Holy Spirit or 
       angels will minister to the person in
       the process.

2. Time to pray for the pelvic area

(1) Invite the Holy Spirit to come by 
      simple saying "Come , Holy Spirit."

(2) Lay your hand on both hand of the
      person while he or she is holding the
      his or her pelvic bone area already. It 
      would be nice to have two people
      (one should be female if the person
      who needs prayer is  a female) to
      pray for the person and lay one hand
      on each side over that person's
      hand.It would be a better
      arrangement especially that person
      is a female.

(2) In Jesus name to command the pelvic
      bone to rotate until it goes back to its
      proper position.

(3) Wait for about one minute to see if it
      will rotate and sometimes, it will start
      to rotate in just a few second or even
      right away.The person can just feel it
      and and see it if there is a mirror
      right in front of the person.

(4) If there is something to be rotate
      about, it will keep on rotate in clock-
      wise, anti-clock-wise, back and forth
      or so for about 5 -20 minutes depends
      on the physical condition of the  
      person. If there is no movement at
      all, that means the person has nothing
      to be rotate about.

(5) During the process, ask the person to
      have the eyes open and keep saying
      thank you Jesus, praise Jesus or 
      hallelujah because the bone will
      usually move faster when one is
      willing to do so.

(6) When the bone stop to rotate, then it
       will stop.

3. Have the person to sit down

(1)  Have the person to sit comfortably on
       a chair. (a chair with back and never
       use a round chair without any back
       on it.)

(2)  Lift up the both of the person's leg to
       an angle (no need to 90 degree all the
       time, especially the person can lift up
       the legs to 30 degree and feel pain
       already) where you can measure the
       length of both legs to see whether  
       one foot is shorter than the other. (It
       will always happen when anybody
       has lower back pain, one leg will be
       shorter than the other one. ) 

(3) You can measure it by placing both of
      your hand on that person's ankle 
      area. One thumb on one side of each
      ankle and the other four fingers
      holding the other side of the ankle. 
      Then you will see which of your hand
      is closer to your body , then that leg is
      the longer one.

(4) In Jesus name to command the
      shorter leg to grow out until it is
      being even with the other leg. (You
      will immediately see the leg grow out
      and the person can see it and feel it

(5) Have the person to say "thank you,
      Jesus" ,  ask the person to stand up
     and do something which that person 
     couldn't do before prayer and see
     whether he or she is completely heal
     or has big improvement already.
     (Such as bending his or her body back
      and forth or move the leg up and


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     If the person is not heal at once, you
     can pray a second or even the third
     time. Sometimes the healing is 
     progressive and not all the time
     instantly. However, if you are willing
     to pray for the person and the person
     is open to receive prayer, healing will

Note : The leg maybe going back and
             forth during the prayer time but it
             is okay and it will goes back to
             proper position after the 
             adjustment. If not, all you have 
             to do is to command it to goes  
             even with the other leg and it will
             be done in Jesus name.

Seven ways to listen to God's voice

How to pray for your church leaders ?

                                                           Your pastoral team needs your praye r It is a blessing to call by God to lead...