Check my new book: How to Read the Bible with Feelings
" And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Gen :12 : 2-3)
1. Beware of the news about Israel
If you want to be an intercessor who can be used by God
according to His will, you need to watch news everyday.
News can show us the daily needs of our city , our nation
and of course the nation of Israel as well. The best news
about Israel may not be on your TV screen but you can
always find it on the internet. News such as How the
president of United states is communicating with Israel and
how Iran is trying to attack Israel with her nuclear weapon
are something you can pray about . We need to ask God to
protect His promised land to the Israel and send His angels
to protect Israel from being harm at all times. If we can do
that, we can be sure that we are praying according the will
of God for Israel.
2. Beware of the needs of Israel
Israel always face three kinds of need : A.Spiritual,
B.Internal, C.External.
A.By Spiritual, we mean Israel needs to repent for the sin for
not receiving Jesus as the messiah. The long suffering of
Jewish in history because of this issue. if they were willing
to turn around and accepted Jesus as the messiah who they
have been waiting for a long time, they didn't have to suffer
so many problems as what they had in history.We thank
God for all the work He Has done in the last ten years
that,there were only 1500 Christians in Israel, but now there
are about 15,000 Christian in God's promised land. Let's
pray more, and more Jewish will accept Jesus in the days
to come.
B.By Internal, we mean all the problems that the Israel
government need to deal with. There are thousands of
Jewish will return to the promised land from all over the
world each year and settle their new life in this place. But
there are so many things that the new immigrants need to
deal with when they enter into this new homeland for them.
They need to learn Hebrews in which they need to
communicate with others in this country. They need to find
new jobs for survival and get involve in this new community
as well. We need to pray for this new immigrants whom
have been living in other countries for a long time that they
can adapt to this new land of milk and honey and getting
alone with other people in this special region of the middle
East. It will be a big challenge to many of these new
populations to live in Israel in the beginning.
C. By External , we mean that Israel are always at war with
all of her surrounding countries such as Iran,Syria and
Palestine. We need to pray for the safety of Israel at all
times. Since God loves Israel,Satan just wants to use of his
power to motivate all the enemies surrounding Israel to
destroy Israel all the times.Although we knew that Michael
is the arc angel whom God has sent to protect Israel
according to the Bible, we still need to pray for Israel safety
each and everyday because there is a spiritual warfare
always going on in the heaven and prayer is our weapon to
ensure that Israel will win the battle at all times.At the same
time, Christian maybe the last friends who will stand for
Israel before Jesus return to this world.
Check my new book:How to Read the Bible with Feelings
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Conclusion : Since God loves Israel and will help the whole family of Israel come to know Jesus as their own savior in the future when Jesus returns.We really need to pray for Israel and this is what God wants us to do. I am one of this kind of intercessor and I invite you to be one of this power to stand on the gap for Israel. You will be happy to know that the more you stand for Israel, the more blessing you will experience by blessing Israel.God bless you. Amen.
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